Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lançamento do novo DVD de Madonna é adiado

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock

Não, você não leu errado. O esperado DVD da “Sticky & Sweet Tour” foi adiado mais uma vez. Sob tutela da Live Nation e distribuição da Warner, o material estava agendado para ser lançado dia 7 de dezembro, sendo um item sensacional para o Natal.

Mas as coisas mudaram e, pelo visto, os executivos ainda apostam é no sucesso da coletânea de músicas e clipes “Celebration“, que está no topo das vendas desde seu lançamento em agosto. Dois produtos podem se ofuscar no mercado, sacou?

A nova data? Ninguém sabe, mas comenta-se que que do primeiro trimestre de 2010 não passa. Bom mesmo, pois os fãs estão esperando até hoje o DVD da “Re-Invention”, de 2004, e nem sinal dele…

Eis um dos melhores trechos da apresentação que vai vir nesse DVD:

Vimos aqui.

Keith Haring in Motion

For those big Keith Haring fans out there (I am certainly one of the more hardcore ones), check out an exclusive video of Into The Groove from what’s-her-face’s very very very successful Sticky and Sweet Tour.

Also, the Tate Modern has resurrected a makeshift Pop Shop, hocking Haring’s goodies. If anyone is going to London anytime soon, please let me know. I miss the New York store so much, it hurts.

Keith Haring and Madonna have always had a collaborative relationship. Even now from the dead. I think they’re both similar in many ways. Both are pop icons. Both did controversial work. Both are prolific. Both came out of the NYC art scene. Both are unforgiving talents.

I have this framed on my nightstand. And Madonna recently told Rolling Stone she had a print of this framed in her home.

I think I’m going to wear one of my many many many Keith Haring shirts tomorrow.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fox fecha acordo para exibir séries de graça na internet

Kiefer Sutherland, protagonista de 24 Horas

A Fox fechou um acordo com o portal Terra, da Telefônica, para a exibição de seriados gratuitamente na internet. Fazem parte do pacote produtos como 24 Horas, Prison Break, Lie To Me, Family Guy (Uma Família da Pesada) e Bones. A Fox ainda não licencia Os Simpsons para internet.

Pelo acordo, o Terra exibirá séries originais da Fox seis meses após a transmissão na TV paga. A Fox é o segundo grande estúdio americano a fazer parceria com o Terra. O portal já exibe séries da Disney, como Lost, Brothers & Sisters, Grey’s Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Criminal Minds, Samantha Who? e Ugly Betty.

As operadoras de TV paga não vêem com bons olhos a exibição de seriados gratuitamente na internet. Avaliam que isso prejudica o negócio delas. Em maio deste ano, pressionado pela operadora Net, o canal Sony tirou de seu site as séries da Disney que exibe no Brasil.

Friday, October 23, 2009


Lá estava eu vendo uma foto enorme da Anne Hathaway, no 18th Annual Empire State Pride Agenda Fall Dinner, ae fui descendo a foto, o cabelo e make tavam legais, o vestido tomara-que-caia tava bonito com o detalhes franzidos, ae tanrãa: a parte de baixo do vestido totalmente no clima carnaval, com tule brilhoso cheio de paetês coloridos. Tá que paetê é tendência, mas esse colorido não me convenceu, mas gosto é gosto. Agora, Dita von Teese, que por sinal acho super diva com o estilo pin up, não me agradou com essa tiarinha meio sistema solar ou sei lá o que, usada no Fashion Group International’s 26th annual Night of Stars.

As orelhinhas que o povo andava usando por aí eram até fofinhas (tirando aquela azul horrível que a Madonna usou no MET 2009), mas WTF?! Ela tava tentando se comunicar com algum marciano usando isso, porque tá parecendo até uma antena, dk!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Arthur e la vendetta di Maltazard

Arthur e la vendetta di Maltazard è un film d’animazione in fase di post-produzione[1] che uscirà nel dicembre 2009 diretto da Luc Besson, autore dell’omonimo romanzo, ispirato ad un’idea di Céline Garcia. Il film è il seguito di Arthur e il popolo dei Minimei dello stesso autore. In Italia il film uscirà l’8 gennaio 2010

Leggi altre notizie su: | Animazione | Fantastico | Luc Besson | Madonna | Robert De Niro

Ai meu DEUS!

Ai, eu sei que vão me matar,mas não dá para não colocar nossa queridíssima MADONNA, na categoria de TÔ BETE!!! Olhem esse loock! Pra mim não tem definição. Spice gilrs é muito anos 90, ou início de 2000( tem uma spice girls em específico que não lembro o nome que faz a linha esportiva), sei lá, nem me lembro!

Aquenda o visú da LOKA!














E esses óculos em formato de coração?!?Ai que triste que eu fiquei! É  “Tô Bete” mesmo fia!

Monday, October 19, 2009


The record business as we know it doesn’t exist anymore. The way people make, market and sell music is so different now. It’s just natural evolution. In many ways, it’s better, because kids have the chance now to get themselves out there without the middle man and all the bureaucracy and administrative bullshit that you have to endure. On the other hand, there isn’t somebody nurturing these kids along. I don’t know what the solution is. I’m sure it will all come around full circle again. It just feels like time to move on. I’m OK with it. – [Rolling Stone Magazine]

[Madonna talks about today's music industry and moving on from her label home Warner Music]

Friday, October 16, 2009


Celebrity Book Club

Before taking her lifestyle Web site,, in a literary direction on Jan. 22, Gwyneth Paltrow asked her friends to share their top titles. Digital Music Pals like Christy Turlington, 40, wrote short essays on their choices. But perhaps Madonna, 50, was too busy to bang out a book report, because the word “blurb” was posted under each title in lieu of a note. “I like knowing the literary preferences of people,” Gwyneth, 36, explains. Angels Heaven Ride Mission “It gives a better understanding of their inner life.” Or their lack of, in Madge’s case.


“This is a relationship-oriented book in which a man is fixated on another woman to his own demise, paralleling Madonna’s situation with A-Rod and Guy Ritchie,” Dr. Berman speculates about Peruvian author Mario Vargas Llosa’s novel. THE TIME TRAVELERS WIFE “Madonna can relate because she’s had to leave her relationship for periods of time due to her career,” Dr. Berman says. T Blame Me MP3 Music What’s the twist in Audrey Niffenegger’s tear-jerker? “The relationship is more traditional than any she has had.”

Madonna: La Cantante esta Impresionada por Lady Gaga

por: César Saldaña
Fuente: Televisa Espectáculos

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, México, oct. 15, 2009.- La Reina del Pop, Madonna, se encuentra impresionada por la nueva estrella del pop Lady Gaga, esto a pesar de que la intérprete de “Paparazzi” se encuentra refinando detalles de su música y sus presentaciones.

“Cuando la vi, ella no tenía mucho dinero para su producción…tenía muchos errores, era casi un desastre, pero pude ver que tenía un factor especial. Es bueno ver eso en un escenario”, declaró Madonna a la revista Rolling Stone.

Madonna agregó que “se observa a ella misma en Lady Gaga”.

Lady Gaga, quien ha citado a Madonna como una influencia en su carrera, se mostró sorprendida hace poco cuando la Reina del Pop asistió a uno de sus conciertos.

“Mi hermana me mandó un mensaje de texto, decía algo así ‘Madonna está a 15 pies de distancia. Y hay dos sujetos teniendo sexo en el público’. Recuerdo haber pensado ‘Wow, esto es exactamente lo que quiero. Tengo a Madonna y tengo sexo gay’”, explicó recientemente Lady Gaga.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Madonna - Madonna (1983)

Das Debütalbum von Madonna erschien bereits 1983 unter dem Titel “Madonna” in den USA und machte auf sie aufmerksam. Weltweit erfolgreich wurde sie jedoch erst mit dem Nachfolger “Like a Virgin”, in derem Zuge sie auch das erste Album 1985 unter dem Titel “The First Album” erfolgreich in Europa veröffentlichte.

Natürlich war ich in den 80ern auch Fan von Madonna, sie sah ganz niedlich aus und ihre Lieder waren schöner Pop. Jetzt mit den Jahren des reifen Abstands habe ich das Debütalbum nochmal raus gekramt (in der 94er CD-Veröffentlichung mit zwei Bonustracks) und hineingehört.

Mein Urteil könnte niederschmetternder nicht sein und ich bin froh dass Madonna bei diesem Album nicht aufgehört hat sich weiter zu entwickeln, denn dann würde es jetzt so großartige Alben wie “Music” und “Confessions on a dancefloor” nicht geben. Aber viel hat die Madonna von Heute mit der von 1983 nicht mehr gemeinsam. Vor allem muss sie Gesangsunterricht genommen haben, denn auf dem Debüt klingt ihre Stimme nervig dünn, um es mal vorsichtig auszudrücken. Lediglich “Borderline” und “Holiday” kann man sich noch anhören, alles andere klingt so fade und irgendwie auch so typisch wie der ganze Mainstream-Pop der 80er Jahre geklungen hat. Deshalb von mir auch nur einen Stern.


  1. Lucky Star
  2. Borderline
  3. Burning Up
  4. I Know It
  5. Holiday
  6. Think of Me
  7. Physical Attraction
  8. Everybody
  9. Burning Up (12″ version)
  10. Lucky Star (New Mix)

Celebrity Children's Books


Celebrities writing children’s books are to the 00’s what celebrities “cutting albums” was to the 80’s. (Which reminds me: Thank you, Eddie Murphy, Don Johnson and Bruce Willis for sparing us your Seussian-like literary wisdom so far)

But to me these tossed off afterthoughts of a quick paycheck go far beyond just being your typical annoying celebrity vanity project. They’re a big “screw you” to actual  professional children’s book writers. They say, rather defiantly, “See? I can churn out what you do in a matter of hours and still have plenty of time for my ‘real profession’.”

And writing a children’s book is unfortunately a fertile breeding ground for a celeb’s monstrous ego.  Because the actual effort one needs to put into creating a lousy picture book (as opposed to a decent one) is virtually nonexistent:

All Madonna needed to do (or pick your favorite celebrity “author”: Jay Leno/Terrell Owen/Tori Spelling/Guy who did the funny voices in the Police Academy movies) was come up with a painfully obvious moral (“don’t eat poisonous mushrooms/ don’t stick crayons up your ass/ don’t de-pants the unpopular kid/don’t roll around in broken glass/ don’t drink out of the sewer”) or any trendy hot-button kids “issue”  (“I get bullied at school/I crapped my pants/ my parents are gay/abusive/dead/French”).

And if you can’t think of a new topic, you can always just toss together something about saving the sea turtles (Yes, I’m talkin’ to you, Gloria Estefan. Great idea, by the way: let’s teach kids about protecting the environment and saving the sea turtles… and chop down 10,000 trees in order to publish your book .)

Next, scrawl  200 or so words down on a the back of a dry cleaning ticket and send it to your publisher so that they can hire someone with actual talent to illustrate it for you.  Before you know it — WHAMO — you’ve got yourself a best-selling children’s book!

And hey, this is impressive: Billy Joel managed to get around the need to write anything new whatsoever when he crapped out his children’s book.  He just hired someone to illustrate the lyrics to New York State of Mind and slapped it in between two covers. (In his defense, I can see how anything Billy does would be a big hit with kids. They may not be aware of his music, but he’s fat and bald with a grey beard, so he kinda looks like Santa.)

Oh, and if it doesn’t feed your ego enough to have your name plastered across the cover for writing two paragraphs of text, you can always indulge in the latest celebrity children’s book trend — have a child version of yourself as the protagonist of the story.

That’s right, follow along with the adventures of Little Terrell Owens, Little Queen Latifah (actually I’m not certain Queen Latifah  ever  qualified as”little”), and Little Spike Lee and they’ll teach you how to grow up and be really famous and self-indulgent just like them!

The childhood version of New York Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez will even (in the words of his publisher) share with you his credo for success: “No matter what your dreams and goals, you can never go wrong if you give them all you’ve got.”**

(** Even if it involves taking substances banned by Major League Baseball.)

The real question is — why do parents think children want to read these books anyway? The kids have no idea who the author is. No child lays in bed in their footy pajamas and demands “Daddy read me the one written by Mario Cuomo! Then James Carville! And don’t forget my favorite author, Jimmy Carter!”*

(*all wrote children’s books.  I swear.)

By my true rage is reserved for Madonna. Because her children’s book series is called The English Roses (after the accent she adopted sometime in late 1992). And because her books have sold over 5 million copies (which works out to approximately a million copies for each minute it took her to write them.)  And because she claims she “had to write them” because she couldn’t find “any decent kid’s books to read my children.”

Yeah, screw Dr. Suess.

What a hack.

You wrote Borderline!

Monday, October 12, 2009


In the past, we had more of visual pollution like crazy signage, ugly interiors, supermarkets besides supermarkets and others. But today, what is the retailer doing to create a pleasurable experience for the customer?

Your customer’s journey must be seductive, eye-catching and captivating. Whatever be the size of a retail sales area the experience needs to be a totally sensory one and that’s the “Barry White Effect” where you romance the customer. A slow, steady and consistent arousal of passion in customers. And this begins with the visual communication: the initial lust.

Where ever I see these days, there are sensual lights, eye-catching colors, exotic decors and elaborate wooing;  a creation of moods to be exact. It is, as if the retailers just learnt to capture an inherent human need of lust.

Of lately the look is mischievous, with a dash of mystery to arouse you, and we, connect to it in a flash of lightning. Of course, each brand chooses to activate a different set of emotions. Some tingle the romantic sensations, some the eternal naughtiness, some the sophisticated aura, few the shyness and many the wild-dark side.

Look at the Louis Vuitton “Madonna In & Out Store” decor. You might wonder what’s with a pair of hot legs and an equally hot bag…..well both satiate. The same is with open spaces and curvy interiors. This is how wild a brand visual communication can get.

Retailers will go all out to romance their customer and get them down on their knees, begging for more.


Lady GaGa en una de sus últimas transformaciones

Hace poco Madonna preguntó en su twitter, que quién era más caliente, ¿ella o Lady GaGa? y sin duda alguna ese cuestionamiento fue porque “la diva del pop” sabe que sus días como la reina de este género tan popular están contados.

Más allá de que su rivalidad comienza a ser más constante en los medios con esta joven artista, la calidad musical de Lady GaGa se ha venido publicitando favorablemente  junto a su alocada imagen, la cual sin duda alguna tiene más imaginación de la que tuvo Madonna en sus inicios.

GaGa cuenta con el mito de la super estrella, con una imagen fisica que siempre sorprende y un estilo musical pegajoso, con tintes riesgosos pero aceptables para seguir pegando en las listas.

Y así como Madonna siempre sorprendía con sus metamorfosis de imagen, Lady GaGa es más atrevida, en una industria musical que está precisamente en cambio constante y que exige artistas que vayan a la vanguardia y rentables.

Es así como aquella actuación de Madonna en los MTV cuando cantó “Like a virgin”, palidece con la “sangre” derramada por Lady en los MTV 2009 en Nueva York.

Así que en estos meses finales del año  e inicios del 2010, apuesto porque Lady GaGa ocupe el trono de Madonna, y comience una carrera para consolidarse. Ya llegó a la fama ahora tiene que moldearla a su antojo.

A menos que las drogas o la falta de inconsistencia musical la hagan caer, yo veo que tiene el camino abierto para hacer lo que se le dé la gana.

Por mi parte y muy personalmente ¡Larga vida a la nueva reina del pop!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Give It 2 Me<愛をください>

祖母から母へ 母からわたしへ贈られた












<Herbert von Karajan conducts : The Blue Danube Waltz> 



ストレスも急アップし赤信号が点滅  フラストレーションに笑顔も消えてお肌もカサカサだったので、きのうは帰りに<思いっきりショッピング>を楽しみました。




<Madonna : Sorry>
<Madonna : Celebration>
<Madonna : Frozen>
<Madonna, Rihanna, Justin : Give It 2 Me>
<KATY PERRY : Hot’n'Cold>
<Taylor Swift : You Belong With Me>
<Trisha Yearwood : A Perfect Love>



Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Guy Ritchie chama Madonna de retardada

Guy Ritchie falou sobre a ex-mulher Madonna para a revista Esquire. O ator fez um mix de elogios e críticas à, segundo ele, ainda amada.

“Claro, eu ainda a amo. Mas ela é retardada”, disse sobre a cantora Ritchie.

Ele contou que, ao se separar, passou por uma fase difícil, de muito sofrimento. “Ninguém pode dizer a alguém que se divorciou que a dor que ele está sentindo é uma ilusão”, disse.

O ator falou ainda sobre o fôlego de Madonna. “Ela é aparecida. Se você a colocar ao lado de uma garota de 23 anos, ela vai malhar igual, dançar igual, se apresentar igual.”

Monday, October 5, 2009

Bild Fail? Madonna Fake? Alle Gaga?

Irgendwie passiert soetwas ja stetig, jemand hat im Internet gesehen und schwupps ist es eine Tag lang Schlagzeile. Irgendwann später bemerkt jemand, nicht wirklich Alles was im Internet steht ist wahr.. oder? Ist was folgt nun Madonna oder bin ich falsch gespult?

Bild schreibt:

New York. Erst traten sie auf. Dann drehten sie durch.
Pop-Königin Madonna (51) und ihre schrille Nachfolgerin Lady Gaga (23) lieferten sich in der US-Comedy-Sendung „Saturday Night Live“ eine Zicken-Schlacht mit Fäusten.

Zum Artikel

Hier ist das Video, bildet Euch selbst eine Meinung.

Madonna&LadyGaga:Sexy lotta Tv Americana...

Lady Gaga, lo ha detto più volte, si ispira a Madonna, e alla regina del pop non dispiace, tanto che recentemente ha dichiarato di apprezzare la bionda star della dance. Le due sono ora amiche e ieri sera, durante il Saturday Night Live Show sulla tv americana Nbc, hanno dato spettacolo, ballando insieme in abiti succinti e picchiandosi, ovviamente per scherzo. Prima Madonna prende Lady Gaga per i capelli, poi quest’ultima la schiaffeggia incurante del comico Kenan Thompson, seduto in mezzo a loro. Una scenetta molto divertente.

Lo sketch kn Madonna e Lady Gaga..


Friday, October 2, 2009

Celebration CD Review or Madonna, The Beatles, and Elvis Presley.

Being that this is a greatest hits compilation, this isn’t so much a review but just commentary on the material offered.  Having racked up a staggering amount of hits that just seems infinite at this point; unless a huge multi-cd box set gets released, no compilation like this is ever going to be able to please everyone because there’s just not enough fucking room to collect all of her hits.

Deluxe Edition Cover Art.

That is a testament in itself of how big, talented, and hugely influential this troublemaker woman has been and continues to be.  Say what you will, she’s a genius, plain and simple.  Only the Beatles and Elvis could arguably match her genius, no one else, not even dearly departed Michael Jackson, though he was a gifted artist as well, that goes without saying.  And while we are on the subject of kings and bugs: The Beatles were huge mostly out of their musical talent and how they revolutionized music… that’s it.  Huge yes, but it was all about the music which can be enough for some.  Elvis on the other hand was huge mostly out of image, not that his music wasn’t bad but when people talk about the Beatles they talk music, when they talk about Elvis is always about how he presented himself, about how he was this sexual being, about some memory of seeing him or how he looked during a period of his life and then those images influenced how people perceived his music. He revolutionized rock and roll by adding sex into the equation.

In the years after Elvis and the Beatles lots of people (arguably, influenced by them) approached music by either the Elvis or Beatles path to all kinds of results, none matching the originals; not even David Bowie and he almost came close.  That isn’t to say that the music wasn’t good, heck everyone knows that the 60s and 70s (even a punk like me who wasn’t around back then… or was I? I am a Cylon after all) were and still are the holy grail period of music, and by the dreadful looks of things no other period will ever be as good; music today is awful, dumb down to the lowest level possible.  There are good musicians out there trying to save us all but overall, popular music sucks balls.

Michael Jackson came and threw his revolutionary hat into the ring, making a name for himself and rightfully racking up sales and awards for his talent, and though I’m not putting him down by this, and save your *too soon* crap: his star crashed; it simply burnt under the unscrupulous light of celebrity-life and he became a shadow of his former self.  Starting with the DANGEROUS album on, his music wasn’t as good as his previous work.  He had only three good albums in him, there’s a chance that if things would have been different he would have produce more but his demons got the best of him, turning him into a reclusive egomaniac, and made no mistake, the man thought himself a higher being, a King, with feverish passion; even after his kingdom was no longer there, but he refuse to accept that.  A sad, cautionary tale; the Howard Hughes of music.

Madonna may or may not, consciously or subconsciously, have decided back in the early 80s to take on what the Beatles and Elvis taught us, heck, she herself have said her influence was David Bowie who was, as I pointed out influenced by Elvis and the Beatles (that order is crucial) so therefore she was too, but the thing is Madonna saw what everyone before her simply failed to see: you didn’t have to choose between the Elvis or the Beatles path, you could do both.

As Elvis and David can attest, anything remotely sexual is going to get the most press and so by putting her sexuality front and center, Madonna has been fighting for almost 30 years now to get people to pay attention to her music.  I mean people have paid attention, just not in the same way that other less talented people get praised on and on about.  Not that she cares and at this point she probably doesn’t because her legacy is sealed in the history books no matter what the critics have to say.

Celebration makes that point clear, heck, it hits you over the head with it.  Though it isn’t arranged in chronological order, it does a superb job at showing…. anyone really, how essential, how good-thrilling, and how revolutionary/visionary her music has been, is, and will remain until the end of time just like that of the Beatles and Elvis.  And like Elvis, her image and how she shook the Establishment with it, will also remain and will be studied and will continue to influence generations for years to come.

No other artists have been bigger than them three, and it is unlikely that anyone else will ever achieve that status ever again.

Now, if only they would have included “Angel” “Rescue Me” “This Used To Be My Playground” “Oh Father” “Bad Girl” “Human Nature” “Nothing Really Matters” “Nothing Fails” and the list could go on and on.  Even “Drowned World/Substitute For Love” is missing and that’s just criminal.  Grade: A+

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Blogin kirjoittelemiseen tuli pakollinen tauko, koska minulla oli ongelmia sisäänkirjautumisen kanssa. Eläköön tekniikka ja bittien vallankumous!


Kohta on 2 kuukautta kulunut siitä, kun Madonna pyörähti Helsingissä. Vaikka pääministerikin on jo saanut muuta ajateltavaa, ei Madonnaa kannata kokonaan unohtaa.  Madonna hallitsee bisneksen teon, joten hänen ”filosofiaansa” kannattaa soveltaa, vaikkei suuren maailman valloituksesta haaveilisikaan.

Hiljainen on kylätie

1. Päättäväisyydellä pääset jo puolimatkaan

Muistan Madonnan sanoneen jossain haastattelussa 1980-luvun alkupuolella, että hän tulee mullistamaan koko musiikkialan. Harva taisi siihen uskoa, mutta tärkeintä onkin, että hän itse uskoi siihen. Päätä itse, mitä haluat saavuttaa ja pistä sen jälkeen hihat heilumaan.

2. Ei tarvitse olla paras ollakseen paras

Kun Madonna 1980-luvun alussa julkaisi ensilevynsä, häntä pidettiin yhden hitin laulajana. Hänen laulutaitoaan arvosteltiin keskinkertaiseksi, eikä se mitään huippua ole vieläkään. Keskinkertaiset kortit eivät siis ratkaise, miten pelissä menestyt, vaan se, miten niillä pelaat.

Madonna meni ja asuinalue tulee

3. Tuo vahvuutesi uuteen ympäristöön

Madonna on alun perin tanssija ja tanssivana laulajana hän on tullut yleisölle tutuksi. Edelleenkin suurin osa artisteista seistä tönöttää suurin piirtein paikoillaan, siksi Madonnan tapa laulaa, liikkua ja tanssia samanaikaisesti on herättänyt huomiota. Voi siis olla viisasta valita toimialakseen toiseksi vahvin alue ja tarjota paras kokonaispaketti rakentamalla se omien erityisvahvuuksien ympärille.

4. Kehitä oma linjasi ja pidä se

Madonna on alusta asti herättänyt tunteita rikkomalla rajoja ja kauhistuttamalla konservatiiveja. Joko uit virran mukana tai sitten uit virtaa vastaan. Uskottavuus vaatii kuitenkin linjan pitämistä. Et voi heittäytyä vellihousuksi siinä vaiheessa kun kyllästyt olemaan radikaali.

5. Viilaa pilkut paikoilleen

Kun Madonna on tyytymätön tanssijoidensa työskentelyyn, saavat tanssijat luvan treenata vaikka keskellä yötä. Samaa täydellisyyttä Madonna vaatii itseltään. Laatu muodostuu pienistä yksityiskohdista, eikä puolivillaisella heitetystä voi syntyä loistavaa. Parasta jälkeä saat silloin, kun tulos näyttää loistavalta, mutta ei viilatulta.

Olis ehkä kannattanut ottaa joku kuva itse konsertistakin

6. Päätä mitä haluat

Madonnaa arvosteltiin sekä Helsingissä että Tallinnassa siitä, että hän esitti vain vähän vanhoja kappaleitaan. Koko konserttikiertueen tarkoituksena oli promota uutta levyä, joten tärkeintä oli tehdä uudet kappaleet tutuiksi yleisölle. Kuitenkin suuri osa yleisöstä odottaa kuulevansa konsertissa artistin vanhoja kuuluisia kappaleita. Madonna on valinnut strategiakseen eteenpäin menemisen ja siksi perässähiihtäjät saavat tyytyä kuuntelemaan kappaleet levyltä. Kaikkia et voi miellyttää, mieti keiden suosio on tärkeintä.

Ja ennen kaikkea: Tee töitä! Menestyminen vaatii uurastusta, mutta tärkeintä eivät ole tehdyt työtunnit, vaan se, että teet oikeita asioita.

Flash Mob brasileiro para Madonna

Depois do Flash Mob que aconteceu em Tóquio, comentado aqui no blog. Depois do que foi feito na Tailândia pelos fãs. É a vez dos brasileiros!

A idéia surgiu na comunidade da Madonna – Fãs do Brasil, do Orkut. O evento que acontecerá no dia 12/10 no Parque Ibirapuera, na praça do Obelisco às 13h. A playlist deverá ser composta por Holiday, Into The Groove, Vogue, Hung Up, Give It 2 Me e Celebration.

Outras informações no site Estilo Madonna.

Gostaria muito de participar desse evento madônnico!