Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Video of the Week: Asian Street Dancing

My “Video of the Week” segment returns with a slight deviation from the norm.  The basic requirement for a video to be featured on this blog is for it to have some kind of piano/keyboard instrument, of any kind, in it.

Well, I’m going out on a limb this week as this video relates to a VERY guilty pleasure of mine .  .  .

Since I was a teenager many moons ago, I’ve been a dedicated Madonna fan.  I’ve been to two of her concerts, and I own just about every album in her catalogue.

This week she releases a definitive collection of 36 hit songs that span her entire 26-year career.  It is a collection called “Celebration”, and I, for one, will be obtaining my copy this week, along with millions of other fans around the world.

When it comes to celebrating pop culture icons, I don’t think anyone does it better than the Japanese (or any Asian culture, for that matter, as over a thousand dancers in Thailand just did a choreographed number to “Vogue” last week in the streets of Bangkok).

This week’s featured video is of an impromptu dance mob that takes over a busy intersection in Tokyo, Japan.  They appear out of nowhere and just start dancing.  In case you are wondering, they are performing to Madonna’s two new songs on the collection, “Celebration” and “Revolver”.

This is pretty freakin’ awesome .  .  .

Asian Power!  Aww Yeaaah!!


Monday, September 28, 2009

Quem vê Capa não vê Conteúdo! Será?!

Como já havia dito aqui no blog, dia 29 será o lançamento oficial do novo single da Princesa do Pop, Britney Spears.

E hoje, BRITanica, moderadora oficial dos sites de Britney,  acaba de postar  via Twitter, a capa do single 3, que na minha opinião deixou muito a desejar. Não pela arte final e sim por se tratar de um ensaio de 2008 para o fotógrafo Mark Liddell, apesar de parecer estar  na moda entre as Divas usaren fotos não tão recentes como a  Rainha Madonna em sua coletânea Celebration.

Amanhã, ainda pela manhã,  será o tão esperado lançamento do single, cedido exclusivamente para  radio Z100 de New York.

Espero que a música seja melhor que a capa.

Gilvan Oliveira

Madonna Books Visits to David Letterman

By Josef Adalian Published: September 25, 2009 David Letterman has booked another superstar guest: Madonna.

The former Material Girl will appear on Wednesday’s edition of “The Late Show,” CBS said Friday. She’ll be hyper her new greatest hits CD.

Wednesday’s planned visit will be Madonna’s eighth appearance on “Late Show.” She last stopped by in January 2007.


She was on in ‘88, ‘94, ‘00, ‘03, ‘05 and ‘07 – that 6 appearances, am I missing one?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

He tocat a Patrick Wolf!!

Ja tinc una altre moment únic per afegir la meva col•lecció d’experiències glamouroses, junt a quan em vaig colar a la zona VIP del concert de Madonna a València, quan vaig conèixer al director de cinema Darren Aronofsky (Pi, Requiem por un sueño, The Fountain…) al Festival de Cinema Fantàstic de Sitges o quan Morrissey em va llençar una pua de guitarra a Madrid: he tocat a Patrick Wolf!

Wolf és una mica com el Mozart de la música pop independent anglesa: amb 11 anys composava cançons amb instruments que ell fabricava, amb 14 tenia una banda i amb 18 es va gravar i auto-produir el seu primer disc, “Licantropy” aclamat i considerat per la crítica un dels millors de la present dècada, així com tots els seus successius àlbums, on ha barrejat amb una professionalitat magistral la electrònica, el folk celta, el glam, el rock i el pop més amanerat. I per postres al darrer àlbum, l’imprescindible “The Bachelor” es va produïr i distribuir completament al marge de la indústria musical, tan sols amb aportacions dels fans.

I ja em veieu a mi a primera fila de l’espectacle que aquest geni va oferir gratis a la barcelonina Plaça Reial, amb motiu de les festes de la Mercè, contemplant extasiat com l’infinit talent d’aquesta estrella és encara més incommensurable en directe i a dos metres de distància.

El millor dels concerts és, per a mi, que pots alliberar la vena més petarda, locaza, talifan i ultrafreak, comportant-te com una veritable pija teenager al seu primer concert dels Jona’s Brothers, sense que els teus amics s’avergonyeixin de tu! I com ja haureu intuït, els que em llegiu sovint, soc una persona de passions i odis molt intensos envers a les persones famoses que admiro/detesto.

Patrick va irrompre al escenari, vestit amb l’estrafolaria roba que el caracteritza, i va obrir foc amb la mística balada “Who will?”, per deixar anar, tot seguit, una apretada llista de superhits, ja que en el breu temps del show no donava temps a profunditzar en la seva intensa discografia.

Va tocar el violí amb “Damaris”, la guitarra acústica amb “The Libertine”, la elèctrica a “Hard Times”, el piano amb “The Magic Position” i fins i tot es va atrevir a versionar “Hyperballad” de Björk i el “Like a Virgin” (VIDEO AQUÍ) de Madonna, tot acompanyat amb una performance sublim pròpia d’una diva de Hollywood, maquilladíssim, tirant-se per terra, fent posturetes, canviant-se de roba i pentinat o llençant-se al públic amb la oda leather“Vulture”, moment el que les meves mans varen entrar en contacte amb la seva materialitat corporal, concretament amb el seu colze dret!

Touch me, touch me, touch me! I wanna be dirty!

Doncs, res, tan sols recomanar-vos que correu a Spotify o Emule per assaborir la seves orgiàstiques melodies, si es que teniu la poca vergonya de no haver-ho fet encara! Jo em quedo amb la frase que una noia del meu costat li va etzibar…




PD: Totes les fotos fetes i editades per mi. Els videos es corresponen a aquesta gira, encara que no al concert de Barcelona!

PPD: Del concert de Barna hi ha el video de quan es tira el públic, aquí

Saturday, September 26, 2009

VMB ou Madonna: O que você vai assistir no dia 01 de outubro?

Por Pop Line

As duas maiores emissoras musicais do Brasil, Multishow e MTV, preparam-se para uma grande briga de audiência no próximo dia 01 de outubro.

Enquanto a MTV Brasil exibe o VMB 2009, o Multishow promete passar o show exclusivo da Madonna na Argenitina. O material, que mais tarde vai virar DVD, foi extraído da “Stick & Sweet” Tour – última turnê da Rainha do POP.

No Video Music Brasil, que será apresentado por Marcelo Adnet, vai ter shows do Franz Ferdinand, Wanessa, Ja Rule, Pitty, Erasmo Carlos e outros destaques da música nacional.

Vote em nossa enquete e não se esqueça de deixar seu cometário!

View This Poll






Im loving what they have done, great city look! – i.e NY.





Friday, September 25, 2009

Why Did You Do That?-Movie Roles Turned the Stars Turned Down

Why Did You Do That?! Movie roles the stars said “no” to:

  • Molly Ringwald must be kicking herself to this day that she turned down the chance to be Vivian in Pretty Woman and Molly in Ghost. Hello? Molly? Is anyone home?
  • Robert DiNero doesn’t come cheap and has turned down many movie roles. The role I wish he said yes to is Queenan in The Departed rather than working on The Good Shepherd.  The Good Shepherd had me counting sheep.
  • Madonna turned down the chance to be Ginger in Casino.  Bad for her, but good for us.  Sharon Stone was perfect for this part and is a much better actor.  I still love your music Madonna!
  • Leonardo DiCaprio said no to the role of Dirk Diggler in Boogie Nights to work on Titanic, which I guess was good for him at the time and for Mark Wahlberg.  I would’ve preferred to see Leo in some of the scenes over Wahlberg, however.  He wanted the part, but it was impossible to film both movies at the time.  Leo also turned down the role of Landa (a Nazi Colonel) in Inglourious Basterds.
  • Will Smith turned down the shot to be Neo in The  Matrix.  I’m not a fan of this movie, but I have a feeling that Will Smith would’ve done a better acting job and would have sported the black leather a lot better than Keanu Reeves.
  • Tom Cruise turned down the role of Ren in the original Footloose.  That would be just a flash in the pan for Tom Cruise anyway and it gave Kevin Bacon a chance to look good.
  • Michael Madsen turned down the role of Vincent Vega in Pulp Fiction. What the heck were you thinking? Due to the fact that Madsen has a history of substance abuse, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt as he was probably drunk when he made this decision.
  • Mel Gibson turned down Russell Crowe’s part in Gladiator.  Thanks Mel, Russell Crowe was awesome!
  • Good job Angela Bassett.  She had too much self respect to accept the role that Halle Berry played in Monster’s Ball.
  • Jack Nicholson turned down the part of Michael Corleone in The Godfather which was bad for him- awesome for Al Pacino who did wonderfully.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Madonna Flash Mob in Tokyo by Takahiro Ueno

See what happened in Shinjuku for the Launch of Celebration in Japan!
This is Simply Amazing!!! JAPANESE DO IT BETTER!!!

Thanks to Taka HIRO!!!!  タカヒロ君本当にありがとうございます!

(Please come to CHURCH this week end!!! チャーチ来て下さいね!!!)

Celebration flash mob tribute to Madonna in Shinjuku!

More info on Takahiro Ueno: http://www.takahirony.com/

Madonna - You can dance (1987)

You can dance
Sire Records – Warner Music

01 Spotlight
02 Holiday.
03 Everybody.
04 Physical atraction.
05 Over & over.
06 Into the groove.
07 Where´s the party.
08 Holiday (Dub Version).
09 Into the groove (Dub Version).
10 Where´s the party (Dub Version).

Con el lanzamiento del disco Celebration de Madonna, se cierra un ciclo dentro de su carrera que abarca 25 años de exitos con respectivas altas y bajas, pero que la han encumbrado como la mujer mas redituable dentro de la industria musical, y como muestra de ello es que su reciente gira mundial Sticky & Sweet Tour ha representado para ella más de 405 millones de dolares para su cuenta bancaria.

Ha dominado la gran mayoria de los generos musicales del pop mundial, con cada disco ha reinventado su imagen, ya sea por cuestiones comerciales o personales y se ha vuelto icónica. Puedo considerar que a la fecha no hay otra imagen femenina que pueda hacerle sombra, se ha caido y levantado, pasandose los escandalos por el arco del triunfo.

De sus primeros años, les dejo el primer intento de recopilatorio dance de sus primeros exitos, el cual se conoce como You Can Dance y que contiene exitos como son Spotlight, Holiday, Where`s the party, Into the groove entre otros. Muchos de los cuales escuche y disfrute durante mis años mozos y que la verdad sea, quien no lo hizo entonces no era de este mundo ja ja ja ja.

Recordar es volver a vivir (¿o será sufrir?).Aquí se los dejo a su consideración.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What Madonna Isn't Telling You

This week Madonna releases her third greatest hits collection, that’s 1,769 fewer than Elvis Presley. The logical step would be to make ‘Celebration’ a third volume of her greatest hits, a companion to ‘The Immaculate Collection’ and ‘GHV2′ but no, there are only three songs that didn’t feature on her previous greatest hits collections.

Admittedly compiling a whole CD of Madonna songs released since 2001 that people will actually want to listen to is a task equal to finding signs of intelligent life in an Akon song. But what other way can we teach the generation of tomorrow about Madonna?

What do we tell them about the best-selling female artist of all time? That there’s more to her than her frequent child-grabbing jaunts to Africa? Which although nobody can quite explain what is morally or ethically wrong about her doing so, the fact that she has the full support of the Daily Mail is vindication for the doubters.

Including a new song  is de rigeur for greatest hits compilations now (note that I didn’t say in vogue), so new single ‘Celebration’ is one of the three differences from GHV2/Immaculate Collection, along with ‘Hung Up’ and ‘4 Minutes’, none of which are worth parting with cash for. These are songs that don’t compare to ‘Material Girl’ or ‘Papa Don’t Preach’, hell, these are songs that don’t even compare to ‘La Isla Bonita’!

The whole compilation could serve as an advert for The Immaculate Collection, there’s good songs on Celebration for sure, but they already featured on the former. Almost as if Madonna knows in her heart what we’ve all been wrestling with for years: She’s rubbish now.

Madonna is the biggest argument for mandatory retirement ages, 1998’s Ray of Light was her last good album, since then we’ve had a trail of shudder inducing efforts with the occasional passable single as she continually reinvents herself: credible pop singer, cowboy, catwoman, englishwoman, guitarist, muscleman, film director’s wife, dance instructor (to the righteous disgust of millions), prune, child adopter, cactus, hotel porter, bicycle, dentist, the list goes on.

For those of us who used to listen to our grandparent’s stories of how her music used to be good, it’s mildly painful to watch and definitely frustrating, I mean what was American Life if not a smouldering pile of musical crap? The cover for Hard Candy could be confused with that of a magazine that was erroneously delivered to a newsagents I worked at at the time, called ‘65 and Up’.

But age shall not wither her, she’ll be releasing albums when she’s eighty (next year or something), which I guess I can live with, as long as she doesn’t release another ’sex’ book. I’m not sure I can guarantee that she won’t.

My first VMAs aka Was Kanye for real?

My first VMAs were filled with controversy, free beer, making fun of other people’s fashion sense, and awesome live performances.

But let me back up a lil. I invited my boy Gabe from MTV to Rock the Bells at Jones Beach a few months ago and told him that I wanted to go to the VMAs. Last minute, he decided he couldn’t make it to Rock the Bells, and I jokingly said I still wanted to go to the VMAs. It was kind of ambiguous leading up to the weekend, but he said he’d hook me up if I could. Saturday night, I got a BBM from Gabe. He told me I had, not one, but TWO tickets to the VMAs. How could I say no?

Immediately, I sent out a text to 10 or so good friends and my gal Abbi responded first.

The only concern after that was what to wear. After consulting Gabe, he suggested I wear something “casual chic”, so I went with this. I look good…right?

As soon as I roll up Radio City, I get the royal treatment and get escorted past the police blockade and head right in. And what’s the first thing I do when I get in? I take a Twitpic of the empty stage from the third mezzanine, so everyone in Twietnam could see how ridic the production was gonna be.

Aside from the over-the-top production, I mainly was there to see Wale run the house band. My buddy Jesse from SoundCtrl is his agent, so I threw him a text to see where he was at. I was trying to chill since we had some time to kill. A few drinks later and surprisingly bumping into some friends, Abbi and I sit down at our seats ready for the show to begin.

I won’t bother you will the details because I’m sure you all already saw it. I just gotta tell you, I loved Forgetting Sarah Marshall, but I DO NOT think Russell Brand is funny at all on top of the fact that you can’t understand anything he says, so he was a horrible pick for the host. Wale shoulda been host. He was killin it from the side stage cracking jokes at everyone from Madonna to Lady Gaga.

Now, the other issue at hand is the whole Kanye thing. I was tweeting something and then all of a sudden Abbi hits me and goes, “What the fuck is going on?!?!?!?!? Kanye is on stage!”

Abbi’s a comedian with Upright Citizens Brigade, so naturally I thought she was fucking with me, but she wasn’t, which launched me into an intense debate as to why this happened:

  • Was it staged?
  • Was he drunk and/or on drugs?
  • Was it a publicity stunt?
  • Is he just completely fucked in the head? (side note: his hair looks like crop circles)

When I tweeted about my confusion, Gabe responded that it wasn’t planned. However, he did drink a whole bottle of Hennessey, so I was sorta right. And then I saw his interview on Leno, which confirmed that he WAS crazy:

After that, I sipped on my free Heinekens and enjoyed the rest of the show. However, just as I was beginning to forget what I had witnessed, EVERYONE was booing whenever Kanye’s name was mentioned or he was up for an award and screaming shit like , “Fuck you Kanye!” or “Kanye! You fucking asshole”, which made for an extremely hysterical evening.

At the end of the show, I remembered how insane Pink’s performance and Beyonce’s light show were. And then there was all the free beer, which made the aerodynamic stunts crazier and the lights brighter, so I had a great time for all of you guys and gals who couldn’t make it (or couldn’t sneak in). THANKS GABE!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Madonna sonhava vender doces

A cantora Madonna confessou ao tablóide Female First o seu sonho de adolescência, antes de ficar famosa com suas canções. A artista, que segue uma dieta – regada a exercícios físicos – rígida para manter a forma nos shows, era obcecada por doces e sonhava trabalhar vendendo as guloseimas em uma loja. “Meu sonho sempre foi trabalhar em uma loja de doces. Isso porque eu adorava balas. Eu não sou mais obcecada por isso, agora os meus dentes estão estragados! Eu fui para a universidade por um ano e lá tinha uma loja de balas, que eu costuma frequentar o tempo todo, todos os doces eram colocados em grandes potes de vidro. Eu gostava ir lá e pensar: ‘Deus, seria muito legal trabalhar aqui; eu poderia ter balas quando eu quisesse”, contou ela. No entanto, a vida de Madonna mudou quando ela foi morar em Nova York nos anos 70 e decidiu ser uma estrela pop. “Quando me mudei para a Big Apple, foi quando percebi que o queria era ser cantora e compositora”, disse a mamãe de Lourdes Maria, Rocco, David Banda e Mercy James.

1986: These are a few of my favourite things

I wasn’t around in 1986 so I’m living vicariously with the power of the internet – here’s my top 10.


1. That’s What Friends Are For , Dionne Warwick, Elton John, and Gladys Knight

Although it was first recorded in 85′, it was the No. 1 hit of 1986. The song was originally released by Rod Steward in 82′ but this cover version was put out to raise money for America Foundation of AIDS Research. And raise it did … $3 million to be precise.

2. Whitney Houston – How will I know.

Claimed the No.1 place on Billboard Charts in February 1986 – bumping my number 1 pick out of first place.

3. Hands Across America

At least 5,000,000 people formed a human chain from New York City to Long Beach, California, to raise money to fight hunger and homelessness.

4. Madonna

One of the many magazines she graced the front cover of. In 1986 Madonna relased her third album True Blue and had three hit singles in the same year.

5. IBM releases the first lap top

Imagine swinging this over your shoulder as you get on the bus.

6. Pet Shop Boys released their debut album – Please

They’re a UK duo and since 1986, they’ve had 22 Top 10 hits in the UK … and they’re still going … the boys released their latest album, Yes, in March of this year.

7. Commercials

If you look at the adds here – most of them are still brands now.

8. The first 10 musicians were inducted into the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame.

Here are the best ….

James Brown

Ray Charles


9. Pretty in Pink soundtrack released

This album was released for the movie, Pretty in Pink and featured songs like Do Wot You Do by INXS and the title song Pretty in Pink by the The Psychedelic Furs, which was the actual inspiration for the movie.

10. Prince and the Revolution released their album, Parade.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Universal Artists, International: Quarterly Report

In a battle of genius, the race between Ms. Kesha Lee, the Black Flock Gang, and Hood Shuttlesworth of Shaka Productions begins. Each of Universal Artists, International’s chess pieces is poised at the starting line with the finish clearly marked, clearly defined, and all within reach.

Ms. Kesha Lee of Universal Artists, Int'l.

With rumors of a possible union between Universal Artists, International and Warner Bros. or Sony/BMG, the white hot competition begins to heat up like the heat from 1,000 suns. With the success of Universal Artists, International under the leadership, guidance, and seasoned savvy of chess-master and world diplomat, Joe Stern-McGovern, global agent and President of Universal Artists, International, the agency has bounced back harder than ever from a floundering state to heights previously beyond the scope of imagination, all to the delight of fans and investors worldwide.

Shaka Productions of Universal Artists, Int'l.

Pole position in the vanguard has grown into a battle between the Black Flock Gang, Ms. Kesha Lee, Ms. Fame, and a rising star in his own right, budding rapper from Birmingham, Alabama via the Bronx, Christian Levi aka Christian, for the title of the agency’s heavyweight champion, trampeling previous acts such as Black and Haze, DTA, and the notorious C4 from the hit album, Amerikan Terrorist. Who will rise to the top in the stampede of the quick and the dead, only time will tell in the chaotic far arena, a venue created by the genius of Joe Stern-McGovern in his devious yet bold machinations which would make even the most veteran MBA feel inadequate to say the least.

Joe Stern-McGovern

According to a source, in addition to Warner Bros., Joe Stern-McGovern seems to have pitted the mighty Atlantic Records, Sony Records, Virgin Records, Interscope, and EMI all at each other’s throats in a bid to win the hand of Universal Artists, International. How will he guide this ship as Captain in the journey to its destination? Will he make a thrust into the market through the power and influential name recognition of Universal Artists, International, partner up with a large independent or major, or simply mete out the talent piecemeal? Only Joe Stern-McGovern, master chess player, knows the answer to this question, and it appears he will continue to hold it close to the clothe and veiled until the public least expects it, as is the way of Joe Stern-McGovern and his cohort, Shaka of Shaka Productions.

Preacha Boi: Mouf Piece of da City

With an arsenal of over 2,000 instrumentals, unlimited access to instrumental files, a deep roster of budding artists and producers under lengthy contracts, several powerful websites, at least 3 completed albums of rising repute,  and chart topping name recognition, all wait with baited breath in anticipation of news whether the global agency will continue in its own rite or make some lucky investor such as Warner Bros. or Sony the millions of overnight dollars cashed in through Universal Artist, International’s hard work, foresight, and genius of Joe Stern-McGovern and Shaka of Shaka Productions. Another question, will the company remain domestic to the USA or will it go abroad, as is noted with the name, Universal Artists, International.

In the meantime, please look for Ms. Kesha Lee, the Black Flock Gang, Christian Levi, and the featured attraction, Hood Shuttlesworth as the junta gathers for their next stab at the charts with relentless showmanship, talent, hard work, and dedication.

Facts: Hero of the Common Man

In the following months, we do hope you follow the career of Hood Shuttlesworth, leader and Captain of the Black Flock Gang in a series of interviews known as, Hood Shuttlesworth: The Trilogy, in which we explore the life and career of the American icon, both past, present, as well as his ambitions for the future.

For more information on Hood Shuttlesworth, or the Black Flock Gang, please visit them directly at www.myspace.com/blackflockgang, or by writing them at blackflockgang@myspace.com. You can also find them at www.universalartists.net. For questions regarding bookings or for promotion purposes, please write to payments@universalartists.net , www.myspace.com/universalartists, or universalartists@myspace.com. For international bookings or queries, you may reach Joe Stern-McGovern directly through his assistant at joesternmcgovern@myspace.com or at his Myspace, www.myspace.com/joesternmcgovern.


A-Dub the Conqueror

Coming soon to the Universal Artists, International’s blog, A-Dub the Conqueror, as well as Joe Stern-McGovern’s personal experience and reflections in customer service through the journey in his quest for artistic freedom and success, fearturing such miserable failures as, “Walmart: Joyride Gone Wrong” and “Sheraton, Birmingham, AL: Adventures in Hooker Alley”.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

She loved Hitler

Pathos   She loved Hitler…for all the right reasons. Because his mother loved him…because his dog loved him but most of all…because Anne Frank believed there was goodness in him.   What more can I tell you about her? She is the one who came from a small tribe. She grew up in an amusement park. She has brown eyes and auburn hair…and I fell in love with her.   All my friends say “you’re too much to handle… so be happy…she’s not with you.” If I didn’t agree…I could almost wonder could she ever have loved me…even for the wrong reasons.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Crazy VMAs

I think that this was officially the craziest VMA show ever.  I never remember it being exciting at all.  Usually they hype it up and everyone gets let down.  Let when they were saying Britney Spears was making a comeback, but it was still too early for her.  I was glad when she did make a comeback though.

This year had the MJ tribute which was supposed to be the highlight of the show but I don’t think it was.  It had Madonna’s speech which was good if a bit redundant. MJ was a king and human.  MJ was like her except without a childhood and didn’t get the chance to made mistakes.  And she did not look like herself for some reason.  I almost didn’t recognize her.  I had to do a double take on Madonna whose image is known the world over.  The music and dancing was good.  I was kind of mad Janet only stayed out for a part of scream but she was good.  I wished everyone had gotten up and done thriller, but that’s just a dream.

And then there was the whole Kanye thing.  Kanye drinking on the red carpet and passing the booze around.  And then taking the mic from Taylor Swift.  I saw him on Jay Leno the other night and I seriously think the man’s got a problem and its not just his ego or inability to keep his opinions to himself.  He needs some help.

Kanye was not the only one to jump on stage uninvited.  Lil’ Mama did too.  Remember seeing her with Jay Z and Alicia Keys?  Not supposed to be there and she seriously pissed off Jay Z.

Pink’s performance was awesome.  I couldn’t believe those acrobatics.  And was she really singing? How the heck.

And Lady Gaga’s so Crazy! I love it.  She went on a date with Kermit the frog (although not too long ago she was wearing a jacket that looked like dead Kermits).  Her outfits were kind of scary too. I was like Beyonce get out of there now. But that could just be that I think masquerade masks are scary and Lady gaga was looking like the Phantom of the Opera behind her.  Her Paparazzi performance was terrifying.  It was like watching a 50s B horror movie with her dying at the end. Although it did look like Carrie too.  Do you think she over did it with the blood at the end and hanging by her arm?  Then there was her red lace outfit which I thought was because she had “died.”  I thought she looked like a dead red queen or king (I was thinking king when I first saw it for some reason) walking around. Her acceptance speech was funny.  She actually handed back the moon man to take off the head veil. And Perez looked like a rooster when he jumped up congratulating her.  Then there was what looked like bird nest outfit with the collar and leash.  And then there are rumours that Lady Gaga wanted to have lions at the VMAs.  Lions? Someone would have been eaten.  That would not have worked well.

Then there was Beyonce, the wonderful Beyonce.  I was so glad that as the winner of best video she gave Taylor the time to give her speech.

And there were more wonderful performers Muse and Green Day. 

What do you think about this year’s VMAs? I think everyone was trying to out do everyone else.  At least that made it really interesting.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pics: Madonna @ Marc Jacobs runway show

Marc Jacobs pushes fashion toward femininty


Posted: 09/14/2009 06:07:18 PM PDT

NEW YORK—Marc Jacobs, mission accomplished. Jacobs is heralded as New York Fashion Week’s bellwether designer, and Monday night he reminded style-watchers why: He had the biggest celebrity in his front row—Madonna; he had highly photogenic Kewpie-doll models—unlike anything else this round of fashion previews; and he had very feminine clothes—which is probably where other designers will be two seasons from now.

His spring collection had lots of frou-frou ruffles and pearl embellishment, yet his muse still seemed to be a strong woman with an obvious edge. Think of his customer as the cool, creative type who can find the best thing in a vintage store, or buy a Jacobs’ blush-colored ruffled jersey dress that mimics it.

Some of his looks went much farther than that—balloon genie pants and pleated bloomers come to mind—but hopefully those are more for magazine editorial spreads than the real world.

For store racks, he offered pointelle sweaters in gray and burgundy, and wearable jackets that had a hint of military influence. The idea is to wear a full skirt or skinny pants underneath.

“He is so incredibly influential with so many people,” said stylist Rachel Zoe as she walked into the Armory building that has hosted Jacobs’ show for years.

Some of Jacobs’ suits, with a stream of ruffles down the jacket that was continued on the skirt or trousers, could be the wave of the future. (No need to try the bras and corsets he styled on top of that officewear.)

Plus, there are his always-popular shoes, this time a clunky, chunky futuristic sandal that didn’t have a high heel. This was Jacobs bucking another emerging trend from the other runways as Fashion Week finishes up its fifth day.

Either the shoe or the very narrow pencil skirts that hit the mid-calf caused the models to walk in tiny, robotic rapid-fire steps.

Madonna, whose hair was in a Brigitte Bardot style, took her seat just before the first model stepped out. She wore a black leather jacket and a black lace miniskirt.

Um encontro de gerações, estabelecendo relações...

A noite do dia 13 de setembro, não terminou com o trailer de ”This is it”, o filme-documentário sobre a turnê de mesmo nome que estava sendo ensaiada por Michael Jackson antes de sua morte e que marcaria seu adeus aos palcos, exibido no final do VMA09.As comemorações do evento se estenderam madrugada a dentro, com direito a um encontro entre Lady GaGa e Madonna durante uma das festas que rolaram pós VMA09, em NY.

Marc Jacobs que não é bobo nem nada, e está sempre por dentro do que e de quem acontece…tava bem no meio da confraternizaçãozinha.

O que será que Madonna estava pensando nesse momento?! hehehehe

Monday, September 14, 2009

Charity urges caution over Elton John 'adoption plan'

by Paul Armstrong

(CNN) — A leading international children’s charity has warned that Elton John’s desire to adopt a 14-month-old baby boy could lead to more children being abandoned.

The singer, 62, made the announcement during a visit with his partner, 46-year-old David Furnish, to an orphanage for HIV-affected children in Ukraine on Saturday.

“David always wanted to adopt and I always said no because I am 62 and I think because of the traveling I do and the life I have, maybe it wouldn’t be fair for the child,” he told reporters.

“But having seen Lev today, I would love to adopt him. I don’t know how we do that but he has stolen my heart. And he has stolen David’s heart and it would be wonderful if we can have a home. I’ve changed my mind today”.

While EveryChild praised the British musician for helping raise awareness of children affected by HIV/AIDS, it said international adoption is sending out the wrong message.

James Georgalakos, EveryChild’s Communications and Advocacy Manager, told CNN: “Research conducted in the Ukraine in 2007 which showed high-profile celebrity adoptions and news around foreigners coming into the country and adopting children generally was actually encouraging vulnerable young mothers to abandon their children into homes hoping their child would be adopted by a rich foreigner and have a better life.

“So it’s quite well documented that these high-profile adoptions could actually be increasing the number of children in institutions”.

According to research by the charity’s Web site, 95 percent of the children in Ukraine’s institutions are not orphans, with babies born to HIV+ mothers facing particular discrimination. They are separated from their mothers and often end up in children’s homes and institutions segregated from children not affected by HIV.

It argues that governments such as Ukraine need to be encouraged to put more emphasis on keeping families together rather than placing them in outdated Soviet-era children’s homes.

“After a great deal of campaigning by charities such as ours, the Ukraine government introduced a new ‘gate-keeping’ system which means the authorities will have to consider all available options before a child is placed in an institution,” Georgalakos said.

“So when a child is taken into care or abandoned, they will have look at whether a child has other family or can be fostered by another family for example. This is a huge step forward and one that needs support.

“We will definitely be speaking to Elton and his representatives about this”.

Elton John is the latest high-profile figure to be linked with a case of this kind. Earlier this year, Madonna won a court appeal to adopt a second child from Malawi. Critics of the pop-star accused the pop superstar of taking advantage of “archaic adoption laws” in a bid to adopt three-year-old Chifundo James.

Madonna’s initial attempt was denied because she did not meet a residency law that requires applicants to have lived in the country for some time before adoption. This condition was waived when Madonna — and then husband Guy Ritchie — adopted her first Malawian child, David Banda.

The judge in that case said the interest of the child outweighed the issue of residency.

Meanwhile, the British Association for Adoption and Fostering said around 4,000 children are available for adoption in UK each year, with many unable to find a home.

A spokeswoman for BAAF told CNN: “While Elton John might be too old under current guidance to adopt a baby in the UK, there are a number of older children, sibling groups, children with disabilities and children from black minority groups all looking for a home here. ”We’ll certainly be reinforcing this message during National Adoption Week in Britain later this year”.

MTV Video Music Awards highlights and lowlifes

Wow! I just finished watching a truly unique show… Here’s my summary of the 2009 VMA’s

The Good:Madonna’s heartfelt eulogy to Michael Jackson, the amazing dance number in honor of the King of Pop, Katy Perry’s rockin’ version of We Will Rock You, Taylor Swift’s creative performance, MUSE’s cool, electronic performance, Beyonce’s amazing performance, and the preview of the Michael Jackson documentary, This is It. I must also mention the classy and kind-hearted way in which Beyonce let Taylor Swift finish her acceptance speech after she was rudely interrupted by one of Kanye West’s ignorant outbursts.

Madonna, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, and Beyonce

The Bad:Eminem – the sexist, woman-degrading rapper – tried to talk in “ghettospeak”, Green Day performed a song from their new album 21st Century Breakdown that sounded exactly like all of their other punk rock, anti-American music, and few other forgettable numbers.

Eminem & Green Day

The Ugly: Had Kanye West not thrown a tantrum, the amazingly idiotic, British liberal, Russell Brand, would’ve taken the spotlight as the item that ruined the entire show. His rants on sex, politics, and overall “trashiness” prove that he was in fact grown in a petri dish. MTV, please don’t invite this vile human being back to any program ever again. Please keep him in his natural habitat somewhere in an unknown swamp.

Kanye West & Russell Brand


In short, had the last two people mentioned not been a part of the show, it would’ve been excellent.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Video Music Awards 2009

Vma 2009

E a premiação da mtv americana que premia os melhores cantores do ano avi ao ar esta noite! E o mais legal é que não precisaremos correr atrás de streamings pois mais uma vez a mtv br vai transmitir ao vivo (22hs).

palco vma em ny

O apresentador deste ano ainda será o Russell Brand, o que para mim não faz diferença, acho ele sem sal. Os shows confirmados até agora são: Lady Gaga , num medley de ‘Love Game – Paparazzi’ (♥♥♥); Beyoncè com ‘Sweet Dreams’ ‘Diva’ (♥♥) – Deus queira que ela não repita pela 53147578º vez ‘Single Ladies’; Green Day, com ‘21 Guns‘ (♥); P!nk com a ótima ‘Funhouse’; Muse, com ‘Uprising’ e Taylor Swift com ‘You Belong With Me’ (♥♥). ou E ainda rolam boatos de que a ermã do MJ vai fazer uma homenagem à ele – e o maior boato é que Madonna herself iria participar deste dueto.

Por falar em boatos, hoje pela manhã surgiu esta lista no twitter com os supostos shows da noite.

vma setlist?

Será?! Se for isso mesmo a Beyoncè está de fora e Britney its IN! Desculpa, mas toda a minha euforia do Vma sempre foi a expectativa do que a Britney iria fazer. Eu acho que este ano ela deveria mesmo se apresentar novamente. Se esta lista estiver correta mesmo (o que eu acho impossivel, mas não custa sonhar) Britney vai se performar esta musica aqui:

Quanto as indicações, a maior concorrente da noite é Beyoncè que está em NOVE CATEGORIAS. Nada mal para a eleita Mulher do Ano, pela  Billbord. Veja todos os indicados  e minhas apostas depois do pulo, e depois da apresentação eu coloco os vencedores de cada categoria.

Créditos: mtv.com

Quais são as categorias? Minhas apostas são as coloridas.

Melhor Clipe Feminino

Beyoncé – “Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)”

Katy Perry – “Hot n Cold”

Kelly Clarkson – “My Life Would Suck Without You”

Lady Gaga – “Poker Face”

P!nk – “So What”

Taylor Swift – “You Belong With Me”

Melhor Clipe de Hip-Hop

Asher Roth – “I Love College”

Eminem – “We Made You”

Flo Rida – “Right Round”

Jay-Z – “D.O.A. (Death of Auto-Tune)”

Kanye West – “Love Lockdown”

Melhor Clipe Masculino

Eminem”We Made You”

Jay-Z – “D.O.A. (Death of Auto-Tune)”

Kanye West – “Love Lockdown”

Ne-Yo – “Miss Independent”

T.I. f/ Rihanna – “Live Your Life”


3OH!3″Don’t Trust Me”

Asher Roth – “I Love College”

Drake – “Best I Ever Had”

Kid Cudi – “Day N’ Nite”

Lady Gaga”Poker Face”

Melhor Clipe Pop

Beyoncé – “Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)”

Britney Spears – “Womanizer”

Cobra Starship – “Good Girls Go Bad (Featuring Leighton Meester)”

Lady Gaga – “Poker Face”

Wisin y Yandel – “Abusadora”

Melhor Clipe de Rock

Coldplay – “Viva La Vida”

Fall Out Boy – “I Don’t Care”

Green Day – “21 Guns”

Kings of Leon – “Use Somebody”

Paramore – “Decode”

Clipe do Ano

Beyoncé – “Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)”

Britney Spears”Womanizer”

Eminem – “We Made You”

Kanye West – “Love Lockdown”

Lady Gaga – “Poker Face”

Melhor Clipe Novo


Bat For Lashes”Daniel”

Chairlift”Evident Utensil”

Cold War Kids”I’ve Seen Enough”

Death Cab for Cutie”Grapevine Fires”

Gnarls Barkley”Who’s Gonna Save My Soul”

Major Lazer”Hold The Line”

Matt And Kim”Lessons Learned”

Passion Pit”The Reeling”

Yeah Yeah Yeahs”Heads Will Roll”

Melhor Clipe (Que Deveria Ter Recebido um Astronauta de Prata)

Beastie Boys”Sabotage”

Björk”Human Behaviour”

David Lee Roth”California Girls”

Dr. Dre”Nuthin’ But A ‘G’ Thang”

Foo Fighters”Everlong”

George Michael”Freedom”

OK Go”Here It Goes Again”

Radiohead”Karma Police”

Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers”Into the Great Wide Open”

U2″Where The Streets Have No Name”

Melhor Direção de Arte

Beyoncé – Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It) – Art Direction by Niamh Byrne

Britney Spears”Circus” – Art Direction by Laura Fox & Charles Varga

Coldplay”Viva La Vida” – Art Direction by Gregory De Maria

Gnarls Barkley”Who’s Gonna Save My Soul”  – Art Direction by Zach Matthews

Lady Gaga”Paparazzi” – Art Direction by Jason Hamilton

Melhor Coreografia

A.R. Rahman & Pussycat Dolls f/ Nicole Scherzinger”Jai Ho! (You Are My Destiny)” – Choreography by Robin Antin & Mikey Minden

Beyoncé”Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)” – Choreography by Jaquel Knight & Frank Gatson Jr.

Britney Spears”Circus”  – Choreography by Andre Fuentes

Ciara f/ Justin Timberlake”Love Sex Magic”  – Choreography by Jamaica Craft & “Marty”

Kristinia DeBarge”Goodbye”  – Choreography by Jamaica Craft

Melhor Fotografia

Beyoncé”Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)”  – Cinematography by Jim Fealy

Britney Spears”Circus” – Cinematography by Thomas Kloss

Coldplay”Viva La Vida”  – Cinematography by John Perez

Green Day”21 Guns”  – Cinematography by Jonathan Sela

Lady Gaga”Paparazzi” – Cinematography by Eric Broms

Melhor Direção

Beyoncé”Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)”  – Directed by Jake Nava

Britney Spears”Circus”  – Directed by Francis Lawrence

Cobra Starship”Good Girls Go Bad (Featuring Leighton Meester)”  – Directed by Kai Regan

Green Day”21 Guns”  – Directed by Marc Webb

Lady Gaga”Paparazzi”  – Directed by Jonas Akerlund

Melhor Edição

Beyoncé”Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)” – Edited by Jarrett Fijal

Britney Spears”Circus”  – Edited by Jarrett Fijal

Coldplay”Viva La Vida”  – Edited by Hype Williams

Lady Gaga”Paparazzi”  – Edited by Danny Tull & Jonas Akerlund

Miley Cyrus”7 Things”  – Edited by Jarrett Fijal

Melhor Efeitos Especiais

Beyoncé”Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)” – Special Effects by VFX Effects/Louis Mackall V

Eminem”We Made You” – Special Effects by Ingenuity Engine

Gnarls Barkley”Who’s Gonna Save My Soul” – Special Effects by Gradient Effects/Image-Metrics

Kanye West f/ Mr. Hudson”Paranoid” – Special Effects by Wizardflex

Lady Gaga”Paparazzi”  – Special Effects by Chimney Pot

Celebration takes over the lead at last.fm M listeners!

Madonna’s latest single “Celebration” took over the lead last week at the music-social-networking site last.fm (What is last.fm?) with over 8,000 plays! “Hung Up” dropped in p.2 after several months of top charting.

However “Celebration” is #265 in last.fm’s weekly Top Track Charts.

Madonna charts @ last.fm

If you want to increase Madonna’s plays, you can join last.fm too! You simply install the last.fm software that keeps stats of your music player (WMP, WinAmp, iTunes, iPod)! But that’s only one feature that last.fm has, so go play around and discover all the rest by yourself!

If you’re already on last.fm don’t forget to add us to your friend list!

[Via http://axestaticprocess.wordpress.com]

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Wang Chung en un disco clásico

Aunque en la capital mexicana en los años 80’s las bandas de rock más prestigiosas nunca se pararon a hacer un concierto, a excepción de Police, cuando apenas iniciaban (si hay otros me recuerdan), para mí sigue siendo una de mis épocas preferidas, por lo que entro en la clasificación de un “ochentero” de puro corazón.

Lo que escuchabas en la radio en aquel tiempo era digno de pasarse horas disfrutando distintos estilos en la música en inglés, independientemente de que fueras metalero, punk, popero o fueras fan del new wave.

Particularme yo era un fanático del heavy metal, con todos sus subgéneros, pero eso no impidió que me emocionara con temas tan comerciales como “Walk the Dinasour” de la banda Was (Not was), de la cual nunca más llegué a oir, pero que cada vez que escucho el tema me pone de buen humor.

Otra banda que tenía grandes temas, fueron los ingleses de Wang Chung, realmente crearon grandes clásicos del pop, y con el super tema “Let’s go”, seguramente bailaste en alguna disco o en las clásicas fiestas de la escuela.

Y antes de que surgiera Madonna en el mundo de la música y reinara sin que tuviera rival, Pat Benatar tenía interpretaciones dramáticas como “Love is a battlefield”, donde en el video exhibía esos trajes que parecían despojos, pero que a todos los fanáticos encantaba ver. 

En Inglaterra el ska tenía un gran exponente como Madness, con su “One stop beyond” y su innegable humor en sus videos, puso al mundo de la música de cabeza, y por lo menos a mí, me generó mayor interés por su país de origen, Inglaterra.

Falco también creo un gran clásico llamado “Rock me Amadeus”, que era escuchado incansablemente tanto en versión normal como en remix, y me acercó a la música clásica, ya que siempre me preguntaba ¿quién era Amadeus? Luego ya lo supe con suma precisión.

Estos cinco ejemplos sólo son una parte mínima de la imaginación que había en los años 80’s, independientemente de que fueran bandas clásicas, bandas “hits wonder”, o grupos de vanguardia.

Y como no he encontrado esa luz de música en las demás décadas, por eso para mí los ochentas son la época de más creatividad del rock y creo que conmigo mucha gente sigue estando de acuerdo.

[Via http://inquisidor71.wordpress.com]

Friday, September 11, 2009

E os gigantes podem cair!

Aee cambada!! Hoje é meu aniversário e mesmo assim quem ganha o presente são vocês, já que, se eu não postar, vocês teriam que ler outro texto sobre linguiça.  Mas estou aqui com mais um por dentro do jogo, a coluna que vocês esperam ansiosos, eu sei…

Hoje falaremos sobre… NÃO, não vai ser o tutorial de como fazer pipas! O assunto é: Eliminatórias da Copa de 2010!

O Brasil, pra variar, já está classificado, mesmo com uma seleção que tem à frente o anão da Branca de Neve.

Adeus quem??

Conseguiu se classificar com três rodadas de antecedência, fato que ele deveria agradecer ao Luis Fabiano, o safado que salvou o emprego do mudinho!  desgraçado.

Mas é bem verdade que na América do Sul não há chances de Brasil e Argentina ficarem fora do mundial, certo? Pois quem é que perderia pra Venezuela? Sim, aquela mesma que o Ronadinho Gaúcho humilhou quando ele sabia jogar futebol. Ou então pra Bolívia, do presidente jogador de futebol… ou então o Paraguai, que tem como artilheiro o Gordo, não, não é o Ronaldo, é o Casbanha, não, também não é isso… Cabanhas!! As vagas por aqui são praticamente 4 para três, considerando que o Uruguai, que só serve pra separar o Brasil da Argentina piada do CQC, véi! também é uma seleção forte.

Mas os tempos mudaram e temos nesse ano duas surpresas, Argentina, ela mesmo, do Diego Maradona, o cara que é melhor que o Pelé!, está muito perto de ficar fora do próximo mundial, mesmo tendo na equipe grandes jogadores como: Messi, futuro melhor do mundo pela FIFA, Carlitos Teves, Arguero (genro do técnico, hehe), Mascherano, entre outros renomados. Mas a Argentina resolveu copiar mais um vez o Brasil e chamou um ex-jogador pra dirigir a equipe, o cara que se acha o melhor do mundo, que logo de cara tirou o melhor meia-armador que apareceu na Argentina nos últimos tempos e acha que vai a algum lugar sem ter padrão tático!  No jogo contra o Brasil, por exemplo, ele coloca o Sebá, um dos zagueiros mais lentos do futebol argentino, pra marcar o Robinho, claro que o nosso ciclista não joga nada há algum tempo, mas não precisa mascarar, foi praticamete um: “deixa que desse a natureza cuida”.

Tá que o Dunga também não tem um padrão tático, um cara que joga com quatro laterais, não pode ser muito esperto, mas no Brasil tem os filhos de uma pihhhh craques como o Júlio César e o Luis Fabiano, que salvam o emprego dele, e o Ricardo Teixeira, que é mais cabeça dura que o próprio Dunga.

Mas então o que acontece com a Argentina? Por que estão perdendo a vaga para o Chile, país que há 14 anos não participa de uma Copa? (olha só, a fila deles é maior que a do Palmeiras no Campeonato Brasileiro) Não seria um complô contra o Maradona? Jogadores são ótimos nisso, Burricy que o diga… É preciso ver também a crise financeira nos clubes hermanos, isso pode afetar os jogadores. As possibilidades são muitas.

Outra seleção que também não está em uma situação muito boa é Portugal, menos desesperadora que da Argentina, pois se vencer a Hungria na próxima rodada fica praticamente classificada, mas eles buscaram quem pra se reerguer?? Eles lembraram do passado, oras… não, não buscaram grandes jogadores da sua história, eles lembraram do tempo em que o Brasil era sua colônia, e pensaram: “Que se foda a Lei Áurea, vamos escravizar buscar  jogadores brasileiros”! Ou você acha que o Cristiano Ronaldo faz alguma coisa pela seleção do Seu Manuel? O maldito gajo é como o Robinho, só joga alguma coisa nos campeonatos do seu time, na Seleção ele some… mesma coisa o Messi, diga-se de passagem. Então Portugal buscou uma solução bem brasileira: Deco, Liedson e Pepe. Agora acredito que os gajos da padaria vão se classificar, caso não classifiquem não faz muita diferença, já que são como a Inglaterra, só tem nome, mas nunca ganham a Copa… Parece o Corinthians em relação à Libertadores…

Pra encerrar.. foto de treino argentino…

Assim a gente não sente a altura da Bolívia

E termino por aqui, eu até pediria sugestões de assuntos pelo e-mail, mas depois dos que a Rogue recebeu, prefiro manter vocês longe de contato!

[Via http://cafecomritalina.wordpress.com]

Preview de REVOLVER da Madonna!!

OMG! Sim, foi isso mesmo que você leu no título. O site da Amazon disponibilizou alguns SEGUNDOS da nova faixa [que com fé em Deus será super HIT] da nossa queria Rainha do POP.

O nome da faixa como já estava confirmada a um tempo atrás se chama REVOLVER que tem a participação do rapper Lil ´Wayne e é QUASE igual a demo que vazou há um tempo atrás na voz de uma cantora desconhecida.

Eu simplesmente já tinha amado a demo e amei mais ainda a música na voz da Madge.

My love’s a gun, my sex is a killer. Do u wanna die happy?[FAN MODE ON]

Quer ouvir o preview? Clica no play antes que tirem do ar!

Por Riick

[Via http://getbox.wordpress.com]

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Entrevista com Phelipe Cruz, do blog Papel Pop!

O jornalista Phelipe Cruz é editor do site da “Capricho” e, na revista, fecha a sessão VIP Cliques, a mais lida da publicação. Além disso, comanda o blog Papel Pop, sobre celebridades, música, séries e vários outros assuntos. De tão popular, o site acabou sendo indicado ao VMB esse ano, depois de ter passado por uma super mudança no visual. Super bem humorado, acessível e ao som do Hino Nacional cantado por Vanusa, ele concedeu a seguinte entrevista.

O layout do Papel Pop tem Madonna, Aretha Franklin, Amy Winehouse, Britney e Pharrell. Tem como falar um pouquinho porque você os escolheu?

São alguns dos poucos artistas do mundo da música que eu admiro. Da velha guarda só entrou a Aretha Franklin porque aquele chapéu dela tá super moderno e popular. Mas confesso que foi difícil escolher só esses. No primeiro layout tinha Michael Jackson e David Bowie, por exemplo.

E tem alguma coisa no mundo pop que você gosta, mas que, por algum motivo, não menciona no blog?

Tem bastante. Às vezes eu deixo de postar sobre algum filme de um diretor que eu gosto, pois acho que não vai interessar muita gente. Às vezes é sobre uma novidade sobre uma banda ou vocalista que não é muito conhecido. Se eu não acho uma saída ou alguma ligação mais pop, que vai interessar eu postar sobre essas coisas, eu acabo não me dando o trabalho de escrever

Você lembra de alguma coisa que você leu, empolgou pra escrever e aí parou na metade?

Putz! Eu tava fazendo um post gigante sobre “Glee”, “Nurse Jackie” e outras dicas de seriado, mas aí pensei: “O pessoal vai mandar eu tomar no cu. Nao é todo mundo que vê e que sabe baixar isso e se interessa por essas coisas. Tá muito nerd, tá com muito texto, ninguém vai comentar…”. Aí parei na metade e fiz outro post minutos depois, bem mais rápido e polêmico.

Você sabe qual post do blog teve mais acessos?

Eu sou péssimo pra analisar e estudar comportamento dos visitantes, google analytics, etc. O da Ana Maria Braga vestida de Madonna (aqui) bombou muito nos comentários. O da Susan Boyle também (aqui) foi um e o da morte do Michael Jackson (aqui), pra falar os mais recentes. Uma história que rende muito é Britney Spears, se é playback ou ao vivo. É a coisa mais chata do mundo, mas os fãs ficam se xingando e discutindo nos comentários sempre.

Poucas vezes você menciona livros no blog. Você tem um favorito?

Adoro os do Nick Hornby, adoro todos do Nelson Rodrigues. Meu livro favorito até hoje é “Apanhador no Campo de Centeio” [de J. D. Salinger], não saí da adolescência. Mas hoje em dia eu não consigo arranjar tempo pra ler. O tempo livre eu passo em frente à TV vendo seriado que eu baixo. Só paro pra ler quando Nick Hornby lança livro

O Papel Pop está concorrendo ao prêmio de blog do ano no VMB (vote aqui). Você vai lá receber vestido de Lady Gaga igual prometeu?

Fiquei surpreso com a indicação e, quando me contaram pelo MSN, fui correndo pro site da MTV ver. É uma exposição bem legal e eu fiquei todo bobo. Mas, eu estava pensando… E se eu vou de Lady Gaga e não ganho? Pago mico à toa? Como eu faço? Posso levar uma peruca loira com lacinho de cabelo loiro e deixar embaixo do assento. Se eu ganhar, coloco correndo e vou lá pro palco agradecer.

No novo modelo do Papel Pop ele virou vários blogs, com o Hot, o Eu Quero, o FDP e o PostaVc, onde os internautas criam links para notícias que eles acham ou criam na web. Como você filtra o tanto de coisa que a galera posta ali?

Putz, dá trabalho! E o Caio [Caprioli, o blogueiro cat do Eu Quero] me ajuda muito nisso. Falei pra ele que o que importa ali é notícia relevante e de qualidade – ou tosqueira muito boa. A única ressalva é não linkar nunca a Katylene nem o Ego muito – odeio e todo mundo ama aquele site. De resto, linka todo mundo. A ideia é ser mesmo uma landing page.

A próxima pergunta vai ser tensa…

Sim, eu já trepei com vários leitores.

Madonna, Britney ou Lady Gaga?

Você quer apanhar? Você já não sabe a resposta? Você está me perguntando algo do tipo: “Aretha Franklin, Mary J. Blidge ou Rihanna?” – sendo a Rihanna a Lady Gaga, claro. Ah, enfim, a resposta é Madonna, claro! Gabriel, primeiro veio Madonna, depois vieram as mulheres do pop. Antes da Madonna a única coisa que existia era David Bowie e Debbie Harry e acho que Madonna fez uma cruza disso.

Bom, acho que era isso tudo que eu tinha pra perguntar. Foi bom pra você?

Foi gostosinho.

[Via http://oitudoemcima.wordpress.com]

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Interview Covers

Queria todas. Ainda quero na verdade… Pra mim, são as melhores do mundo – hoje. Mas também me deixam na dúvida as da Vanity Fair, Rolling Stones, V Magazine, Vogue, GQ… Capa é um negócio que me anima mesmo. A concepção da “boa [e nunca exata] fotografia” é um assunto que dá pano pra manga. A única certeza que eu tenho  é a não existência do realismo.

[Via http://manoellamariano.wordpress.com]

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I’ll Remember (Recordaré) es la canción principal de la película With Honors escrita por Madonna, Patrick Leonard y Richard Page; e interpretada por Madonna. La canción se lanzó como sencillo en Marzo de 1994. Más tarde fue incluida en el álbum compilado de baladas de Madonna llamado Something to Remember.

“I’ll Remember” fue compuesta por Madonna, Patrick Leonard y Richard Page como colaboración de la banda sonora de la película With Honors, protagonizada por Joe Pesci y Brendan Fraser. El director de esta película fue nada menos que Alek Keshishian, quien intervino a Madonna para que escribiera la canción principal de la película.

La canción resultó ser un gran éxito en Estados Unidos donde se posicionó en el puesto #2 dentro del Billboard Hot 100 permaneciendo en esa posición durante cuatro semanas consecutivas. Casi llegó a convertirse en un número #1 pero fue bloqueada por la canción I Swear del grupo All-4-One.

Existen dos carátulas diferentes para este sencillo: una pertenece a la sesión de fotos realizada para el video musical de “Deeper and Deeper”, y la otra que fue lanzada en el sencillo Americano contiene una foto del video musical de “Rain” (irónicamente esta es la misma foto que se utilizó para el sencillo de “Rain” en el Reino Unido.

“I’ll Remember” también fue incluida en el álbum compilado de baladas de Madonna Something to Remember.

El video musical de “I’ll Remember” es bastante similar al video de “Rain”. Madonna aparece en un estudio cantando la canción junto a dos coristas mientras se proyectan escenas de la película With Honors. Incluso el estilo de Madonna en este video, luciendo cabello corto negro, es similar al que lucio en el video de “Rain”, con la excepción de que aquí su cabello es verdadero. Este video fue filmado en Enero de 1994 en los Chaplin Soundstage en Hollywood, California.

[Via http://mitoycuerpo.wordpress.com]

Monday, September 7, 2009

• Coz' everybody wants to party with you •

Domingo, vespera de feriado, fomos para uma balada GLS muito louca e larguei meus dêmonios dessa pista de dança, bombando de gente e o melhor, nenhum hetero para me encher, pude dançar ee rebolar livremente. Dancei como nunca, foi uma libertação, estava precisando…

Um dia desses, acordei escutando essa música da Madonna logo abaixo, e pensei que seria legal escuta-la com o som as alturas e pular, dançar como se ninguém estivesse olhando e cantar alto. E aconteceu nessa balada… como falei, estava precisando. Então um salve a essa música, e um brinde as minhas realizações:

Madonna – Celebration

I think you wanna’ come over, yeah I heard it through the grapevine.

Are you drunk or you sober? Think about it, doesn’t matter

and if it makes you feel good then I say do it,

I don’t know what you’re waiting for

Feel my temperature rising

There’s too much heat I’m gonna’ lose control

Do you want to go higher, get closer to the fire,

I don’t know what you’re waiting for

Come join the party, yeah

Coz’ everybody just won’t do.

Let’s get this started, yeah

Coz’ everybody wants to party with you.

Boy you got a reputation, but you’re gonna’ have to prove it

I see a little hesitation,

Am I gonna’ have to show you that if it feels right, get on your marks

Step to the beat boy that’s what it’s for

Put your arms around me

When it gets too hot we can go outside

But for now just come here, let me whisper in your ear

An invitation to the dance tonight

Come join the party, it’s a celebration

Anybody just won’t do

Let’s get this started, no more hesitation

Coz’ everybody wants to party with you

Haven’t I seen you somewhere before?

You look familiar…

You wanna’ dance? …Yeah.

I guess I just don’t recognize you with your cloths on… (laughs)

What are you waiting for?

Come join the party, it’s a celebration

Anybody just won’t do

Let’s get this started, no more hesitation

Coz’ everybody wants to party with you X 2

Boy you’ve got it, it’s a celebration

Coz’ anybody just won’t do

Let’s get it started, no more hesitation

Coz’ everybody wants to party with you

Boy you’ve got it

Coz’ anybody just won’t do

Let’s get it started, no more hesitation

Coz’ everybody wants to party with you

[Via http://hallucinationz.wordpress.com]

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Tales from fourth grade.

This is a collection of very very short stories about my fourth grade year.  It’s part of a thing I’m working on, and I promise you that they are funny and heavily pop cultured, but if you don’t want to read about the woes of 11 year old Gynomite, I won’t fault you for that.

I had the dubious honor of being in our little school’s Academically Gifted program, which meant that at the beginning of the day, someone would come and get me from my regular class and take me to a classroom with the 20 other “gifted” kids in the school.   Ten minutes before the end of the day, I would be taken back to my class again.  I don’t know why we couldn’t just be in our AG classroom all day, but I think it was to maximize our torment from other kids.  The AG class was mostly boys, so I managed to just barely make the cutoff for an actual girl clique!  We called ourselves The Sensational Six, as there were six of us, and we would have never hung out were it not for our collective ostracism from other kids.  The most ambitious of the group, Christine, made us all matching sweatshirts covered with buttons and bows.  We wore them.  A lot.

Some of the Sensational Six went to the mall together one day.  I crimped my hair special for the big outing, and my sister helped me put it up in a banana clip.  Of course I wore my denim jacket with the fringe and checker pattern, covered with buttons.  It was one of the best days I had ever had.  We made asses of ourselves, screeching at boys twice our age and acting embarrassed in stores that sold bras.  Then I bought George Michael’s “Faith” on tape, and made the mom who picked us up listen to it on the way home.  Everything was fine until the little diddy “I Want Your Sex” came on.  Then we all tried to pretend like we were deaf, and I felt like a pervert.

It was decided that we would put on a “Historical People Fair” for the rest of the school, thus sealing all of our doom socially.  We were all to pick a famous person in history and put together a monologue as that person.  On the day of the fair, we’d all dress up like our people, stand in our specified area, and deliver our monologue over and over as other students walked by.  I picked Princess Diana.  I read up on her endlessly, and in one book, I saw that she had a pet guinea pig growing up.  Ever the showboat, I decided to wow the other kids by adding a prop sure to bring authenticity and excitement to my Princess Di.  So on the day of the fair, I showed up wearing a dress, a plastic tiara, and carrying my hampster Clyde in a cage.  My teacher kept asking if I felt ok as I repeated my speech about how much I loved my hampster in a horrid British accent.

One day during some lesson that involved us being out of our seats and sitting on the carpeted floor around our teacher, a classmate started fidgeting and insisting he had to go to the bathroom.   The teacher asked him to wait, and he kept whining that he couldn’t.  He kept interrupting her to go “PLEEEEEEEEEEAAAAASE”.  We were all giggling like the little assholes we were.   Finally she let the poor guy go, and he took off running.  We all insisted there was a wet spot on the carpet where he was sitting, though there probably wasn’t.  It was like Lord of the Flies in there.

For another project, we were paired off and asked to create a product and then make a commercial for it.   My friend and I decided to create “Madonna-Os”, a cereal that would make you sing like Madonna.  We made a box for the cereal, and for the commercial, held up a poster of Madonna on which we had drawn an open mouth where her closed mouth had been, and made it sing along to her song “True Blue”.  Why we did not think to lip sync to her song ourselves, I’ll never know.

The teacher really liked for us to sit on the carpet around her rather than in our desks, and one day she read almost an entire book to us little geniuses gathered at her feet.  I was sitting with my legs folded up tight underneath me, and after the second hour, I realized that my legs were completely and totally asleep.  I was fairly fascinated with this, so I didn’t think ahead to when storytime would be over and I would have to stand up.  She stopped reading a few minutes after this, and without a care in the world, I stood up to walk back to my desk and promptly fell over with one of the most spectacular crashes known to man, taking down classroom plants and chairs with me.  Worse yet, I couldn’t get up as my legs were still asleep, so I had to lie there waiting for the blood to return to my limbs, while my classmates laughed hysterically and my teacher exasperatedly suggested that I was needing some attention.

Book report time.  My classmate Scott decided to do his book report on the movie Beetlejuice.  Now, you might be saying to yourself “that’s not a book!”, but Scott had found a book of movie photos and behind the scenes info (common back then, in an Internetless and Special Featureless world), and claimed that it was his book.  So basically, he just retold the plot of Beetlejuice to us, with one twist:  for theatrical flair, he decided to use the movie plot feature that saying Beetlejuice’s name three times makes him appear.  When Scott was about to say his name for the third time, he looked around nervously, paused for maximum drama, then said “BEETLEJUICE”!  He then pretended to melt, sliding down slowly to hide under the podium.  We all stared at him, confused as hell, as melting was never a part of the movie.  Scott continued hiding for a few seconds and then awkwardly unfolded himself from under the podium to a smattering of applause.

Our class was asked to write essays on the topic of “Which is better: artificial trees or real trees?” for the Christmas edition of the local paper.  In my essay, I boldly asserted that artificial trees were better, and suggested that if you wanted your house to smell like pine, you should clean it with Pine Sol.  BOOM!  It was printed in the paper along with the rest of the classes’ essays, and that night, I got a call from a man with a French accent named Monsieur Day.  Monsieur Day said that he read my piece in the paper and loved it, and he wanted me to write a book for him.  I was so excited I started shrieking, and when my dad came to take the phone from me, I continued to dance around the house yelling about my book deal.  My dad had to break the news that Monsieur Day was actually Harold Day, our smartass neighbor and my new enemy.

I still call him Monsieur Day to this day, and it still hurts.

[Via http://gynomite.wordpress.com]

Photos from Tel Aviv

Check out some great photos that flickr user giora vered took during the Sticky & Sweet show in Tel Aviv! giora says “It was a very hard thing to take photos in the concert – although I was in the Golden Ring”.

The photo below was taken during “Dress You Up” and you can see the stage in all its glory! Even if you’re not a front row bitch, it’s definitely an amazing experience to attend a Madonna show! Click here to see more photos!

Tel Aviv gettin' Sticky & Sweet

If you attended the 2009 Sticky & Sweet Tour and want to share your best photos, then send them to axestaticprocess(at)gmail(dot)com!

[Via http://axestaticprocess.wordpress.com]

Saturday, September 5, 2009

We need to celebrate

Depois daquele suspense que foi comentado aqui no fashionzzz!, finalmente saiu uma versão remix do clipe da música Celebration da Madonna! Assisti, gostei, comi mosca e não postei. Mas posto agora!

O trio: Madonna + vestido Balmain + Jesus Luz não faltou.

E mais: beijo do casal e o debut da sua filha Lourdes Maria, a Lola, que aparece mais pro finalzinho do clipe, fazendo uma ponte junto a outros dançarinos.

Curte aí!

Parece que haverá mais uma versão do clipe – essa com a música original – onde Lola aparecerá com o mesmo figurino da Madonna usado em Like a Virgin. Mais um suspensezinho né?

[Via http://fashionzzz.wordpress.com]

Friday, September 4, 2009

PGR catea Sony Music-México

Alejandro Fernández demando a Sony Music por delitos contra la propiedad industrial y derechos de autor y por este motivo la  Procuraduría General de la República (PGR) realizó dos diligencias ministeriales, una en las instalaciones de Sony Music en la colonia Polanco.

El cateo consistio en incautar todo tipo de material que tenga que ver con el cantante, ya que de acuerdo con su contrato con Sony Music, él tenía que hacer siete discos con los cuales ya cumplió. Ahora lo que está haciendo esa disquera es violar la ley, al sacar los álbumes: “Alejandro Fernández, clásicos a mi manera”, el cual actualmente se encuentra en el mercado; y “Diferente”, que la misma disquera anunció saldría a la venta el próximo 15 de septiembre y que según el abogado Marco del Toro Sony Music no tiene derecho, añadió que los temas inéditos que integran estos dos discos son producto de canciones que “El Potrillo” decidió que no se incluyeran en producciones pasadas y esta situación afecta a la imagen de Alejandro, ya que por cuestiones de calidad dichos temas no fueron seleccionados, es decir, no tiene la calidad que el público merece.

Del Toro indicó “que el delito puede ser considerado por la ley penal como grave, lo que significa que no tienen siquiera la libertad provisional bajo caución y se tendrían  que identificar a los responsables de Sony Music que puedan tener un grado de participación. No hay detenidos sólo aseguramiento de bienes (discos y documentos)”. También añadió que aproximadamente podrían ser incautadas 6 mil copias, previo a que Del Toro dialogara con la prensa, algunos elementos de la PGR abandonaron el inmueble de la colonia Polanco

con cámaras de video en mano.

Es la primera vez que se realiza un cateo ordenado por un juez federal, en virtud de que hay elementos que  acreditan que se han violado los derechos de autor de Alejandro Fernández y esto constituye, lo que coloquialmente se conoce como piratería.

Sony Music declinó hacer comentarios por el momento.


Pura publicidad gratuita en los medios de comunicación es lo que busca Alejandro, no concuerdo con lo de la pirateria que dice su abogado porque Sony obvio le hiba a pagar por dicho material, pirateria es cuando el autor No recibe Dinero por la venta de su producto, ahora me pregunto: ¿Alejandro Fernandez es quien escribio esos temas ? ¿O  solo es él que canta esos temas? ¿Pensara en dejar Sony? ¿Pensara guajiramente Alejandro que le va hacer Sony una oferta  de 2 billones de dolares para que no los deje? jajajajajaja solo con Michael Jackson Sony le ofrecio todo con tal de que no los dejara.

Igual puede ser una estrategia de Sony Music para aumentar ventas, tomando en cuenta la nueva estrategia de ventas de la disquera Warner: Venta directa en la disquera de los nuevos albumes de Madonna y Luis Miguel.

[Via http://judith79.wordpress.com]

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Madonna "Celebration" News

CD 1:

01) Hung Up

02) Music

03) Vogue

04) 4 Minutes

05) Holiday

06) Everybody

07) Like A Virgin

08 ) Into The Groove

09) Like A Prayer

10) Ray Of Light

11) Sorry

12) Express Yourself

13) Open Your Heart

14) Borderline

15) Secret

16) Erotica

17) Justify My Love

18 ) Revolver

CD 2:

01) Dress You Up

02) Material Girl

03) La Isla Bonita

04) Papa Don’t Preach

05) Lucky Star

06) Burning Up

07) Crazy For You

08 ) Who’s That Girl

09) Frozen

10) Miles Away

11) Take A Bow

12) Live To Tell

13) Beautiful Stranger

14) Hollywood

15) Die Another Day

16) Don’t Tell Me

17) Cherish

18 ) Celebration

Madonna Celebration DVD Track Listing:

1) Burning Up

2) Lucky Star

3) Borderline

4) Like A Virgin

5) Material Girl

6) Crazy For You

7) Into The Groove

8 ) Live To Tell

9) Paper Don’t Preach

10) True Blue

11) Open Your Heart

12) La Isla Bonita

13) Who’s That Girl

14) Like A Prayer

15) Express Yourself

16) Cherish

17) Vogue

18 ) Justify My Love

19) Erotica

20) Deeper and Deeper

21) Rain

22) I’ll Remember

23) Secret

24) Take A Bow

25) Bedtime Story

26) Human Nature

27) I Want You

28 ) You’ll See

29) Frozen

30) Ray Of Light

31) The Power Of Good-Bye

32) Beautiful Stranger

33) American Pie

34) Music

35) Don’t Tell Me

36) What It Feels Like For A Girl

37) Die Another Day

38 ) Hollywood

39) Love Profusion

40) Hung Up

41) Sorry

42) Get Together

43) Jump

44) 4 Minutes

45) Give It 2 Me

46) Miles Away

47) Celebration

Release:September 29th.

[Via http://dhanilicious.wordpress.com]


Deeper and Deeper (Cada Vez Más Profundo) es el segundo sencillo del álbum Erotica de la cantante pop estadounidense Madonna, escrita por ella, Shep Pettibone y Anthony Shimkin, fue producida por Pettibone y Madonna. Fue lanzada como sencillo a finales de noviembre y principios de diciembre, a diferencia de su antecesor Erotica, Deeper and Deeper es más bailable y sus letras no tienen contenido sexual, alcanzó el puesto #1 en Canadá y en el Billboard Hot Dance. El video musical fue dirigido por Bobby Woods.

El video musical de Deeper and Deeper fue dirigido por Bobby Woods y grabado el 7 y 8 de noviembre de 1992 en los Ren-Mar Studios y el club nocturno “The Roxbury” en Los Ángeles, California.

El video no resulta muy llamativo he incluso se puede considerar aburrido, en el que podemos ver escenas en blanco y negro, sepía y a colores tratando siempre de dar un estilo retro de los 70s. En el video Madonna intenta representar la pérdida de la inocencia, interpretando el papel de una mujer que se reúne con sus amigos en una discoteca y se divierte hasta encontrarse con su novio (intepretado por Udo Kier), con quien parece tener una extraña relación.

En este video participaron varios amigos de Madonna como las actrices Debi Mazar y Sofia Coppola, entre otros. También hace apariciones Seymour Stein y Guy Oseary directivos de Sire y Maverick Records respectivamente[1] .

El video musical nunca ha sido comercializado, y algunos críticos lo marcan como el causante de que Deeper and Deeper no alcanzara el éxito tan merecido.

[Via http://mitoycuerpo.wordpress.com]

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Madonna Puts Together Workout Compilation for Equinox


Madonna Puts Together Workout Compilation for Equinox – Get the Playlist

What does Madonna work out to? Kaballah disco? Threadmill groove? Yoga boogie? Surprise. It’s none of the above. Madonna likes to work out to the tunes of Tiesto, Daft Punk and Miles Dyson according to an exclusive remix compilation the Queen of Pop put together for New York City gym chain Equinox. Download it at iTunes.

The compilation is the first in a series of Equinox’s so-called Celebrity Sets that gym lovers and workout buffs can download on iTunes. “More than a dozen star-studded mixes are already in play for the fall debut—including Cher, Cyndi Lauper, Stevie Nicks, Darryl “DMC” McDaniels and Michael Buble,” reveals, creative director Bianca Kosoy.

She stays mum about the arrangements the company has with participating artists. “None of them are under any contractual obligation or financial arrangement with Equinox. We want the guest DJs to be true to themselves and we will work with them to edit the list through the Equinox lens.”

Perhaps they gave Madonna’s a few lifetime guest passes for that fancy new Equinox in Chelsea. In any event, Madge put together a slamming remix compilation that surely will get you to crunch a little harder and pump up your heartbeat a bit faster.

Madonna’s full Equinox playlist:

“Watch the Sunrise” (Extended Vocal) – Axwell

“Dance 4 Life” (12″ Mix) – Tiësto & Maxi Jazz

“Delirious” David Guetta

“Do You Feel Me” (feat. Julie Thompson) – Tiësto

“Stardust” (Felguk Remix) – Perfect Stranger

“Fly Away” (Gee & Lighter Remix) – Jean Claude Ades

“Television Rules the Nation / Crescendolls” – Daft Punk

“Massenbewegungsmittel” – Miles Dyson

“Superfine” – Hong Kong Blondes

“Not Over” (feat. Ryan Tedder) – Oakenfold

[Via http://requiem4adream.wordpress.com]

Vogus #81 Introduction to a Project

Direct Link to Media

This was taken minutes before the History presentation you will see in a few posts. I comment on the integrity in the project, I think Selina freaks out and things of that nature. I filmed this a long time ago and didn’t really review it before release.

Lettuce watch it together!

Why aren’t you commenting?!!!!!!!

E-mail: diamondmanaphy@gmail.com

[Via http://vogus.wordpress.com]

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Madonna, Celebration και Καλό μας Μήνα !!! ( Ποδαρικό )

Άντε, να πάρουμε τα πάνω μας !



[ Φρέσκο - φρέσκο, βγήκε από το φούρνο πριν από λίγες μόλις ώρες .

Σκηνοθεσία ο πολύ καλός Jonas Akerlund ( Ray Of Light, Jump, American Life για τη Madonna αλλά και π.χ. My Favourite Game - The Cardigans, Beautiful Day - U2, τα καινούργια του Mika και της Lady Gaga που βγαίνουν όπου νά'ναι και τέλος άπειρα βίντεο των Roxette - πατριωτάκια του .

Ψάξτε να βρείτε στο βίντεο το αμόρε-σκυλάκι-γατάκι-παιχνιδάκι της Madonna, Jesus Luz ( κάθολου δύσκολο ) και προς το τέλος του την κοράκλα Lourdes σε χορευτικές φιγούρες αλά μανούλα .

Αισιοδοξία για όλους τον δύσκολο αυτό μήνα !   ]

P.S. ( a ) .Το βίντεο είναι για το remix του τραγουδιού . Λογικά μέχρι αύριο θα έχει βγει και η ορίτζιναλ έκδοση .

P.S. ( b ) . Όποιος / α θέλει να μου κάνει δώρο για τη γιορτή μου τα Ντιορ γυαλιά που φοράει η αοιδός, πολύ θα χαρώ !!! ( η γιορτή μου κρατά μέχρι τις 14/9 ) Χο, χο, χοοοο !

[Via http://auravoluptas.wordpress.com]

A influência do fotógrafo Guy Bourdin

Semana passada, publiquei aqui um portfólio do falecido fotógrafo francês Guy Bourdin. Hoje mostro um pouco de sua influência cultural. Qualquer fotografia de moda que aposte em cores saturadas, objetificação de partes do corpo humano, glamour misturado a bizarrice, aura chique de lesbianismo ou a mulher como um corpo inanimado deve muito a Guy Bourdin. Ele é fonte de inspiração de incontáveis artistas. Aqui mostro alguns exemplos mais óbvios de sua influência.

A campanha que o fotógrafo Terry Richardson fez para os óculos escuros de Tom Ford (à direita) parece inspirada em foto (à esquerda) de Guy Bourdin.


Terry Richardson também parece ter pensado muito em Bourdin (esq.) ao criar a campanha da nova frangrância de Tom Ford (dir.)


A capa de novembro passado da Vogue francesa, com Vanessa Paradis (dir.) poderia ter sido feita por Bourdin (esq.), mas foi criação da dupla Mert Alas e Marcus Piggot, dois seguidores do francês.


Uma foto de Bourdin (esq.), outra de David Lachapelle (dir.) – esta mostrando Thora Birch.


Lachapelle é um dos fotógrafos mais influenciados por Bourdin. Esta foto sua do ator Matt Dillon (dir.) lembra muito esta outra de Bourdin (esq.).


Até em sua campanha para a vodka Skyy (abaixo), Lachapelle remeteu a Bourdin (abaixo).


No clipe de Hollywood (dir.), Madonna faz várias referências à obra de Bourdin (esq.)

[Via http://freakshowbusiness.com]